PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE historical AS. In some cases, like when calculating small date differences, it might not make sense to use the FLOOR function. In SAS, all this can be done using a very powerful function INTCK which is used to compare two dates and returns the difference between them. – Cliff AB. COALESCE accepts one or more numeric arguments. It does not count the number of complete intervals between two dates: The following example returns 0, because the two dates are within the same month. この関数は次の基本構文を使用します。 INTCK (間隔、開始日、終了データ、メソッド) 金: 間隔: 計算する間隔 (日、週、月、四半期、年など); 開始日: 開始日; 終了日: 終了日; method: 離散または連続方法を使用して. It's joining two datasets using the amaskcd field as the key. 関数 INTCK ('MONTH', '1jan2013'd, '31jan2013'd) では、2つの日付が同月内に存在する. In SAS, date type variables contain the number of days between January 1, 1960, and the date specified. 01jan01. vectorize(intck_month)(df["obs"], df["out"]) Runtime. 6 days left in december, and 15 days in january the following year, add up to 21 days. I am working on converting some SAS Proc SQL’s into SQLite queries to be used in a python program, and unfortunately it is not a direct copy and paste and there are some issues. January 2, 2017 to January 30, 2017 ==> INTCK returns 0, since there are no "1st of the month" dates within the interval. Remember the macro processor (the macro pre-processor) finishes its work before the resulting text is passed onto SAS itself to interpret. Renaming date variable to perform an intck to calculate day difference. Here are some real-world examples of how the INTCK function is used in SAS. The INTCK Function is second to calculate the difference amidst two dates and times. There are -3 days between Temp and Date2, hence Days_Shift = -3. It does the same as the Teradata EXTRACT function with the DAY keyword. INTNK is used to estimate calculate the variable bonus_1. . e. INTCK is the function to return intervals between date, datetime or time values. This function uses the following basic syntax: INTCK(interval, start date, end data, method) where: interval: Interval to calculate (day, week, month, quarter, year, etc. Accessibility for Base. Hello everyone, I am working with a dataset and carried out difference in recorded dates using the intck function as below: dif = intck ('day’, startdate, enddate, 'DISCRETE'); The sample result is shown below: dif frequency percent -6 18 0. e. The INTNX function helps you compute the date that is 308 days away in the future from a specific date. Start date and end date would still be in the. , a day, week, month, quarter, and year) to the variable start_date. These sample files and code examples are provided by SAS Institute Inc. The INTCK function is used to obtain the number of time intervals between two dates. documentation. Date1: 09/02/2011. The function INTCK ('MONTH', '1feb2021'd, '31jan21'd) returns –1 because the first date is in a later discrete interval than the second date. Third point - shrug. (INTCK renvoie une valeur négative chaque fois que la première date est postérieure à la deuxième date et que les deux dates ne sont pas dans le même intervalle discret. Hi, i have a large data set that has details of when a client first made a deposit and the last date of deposit. if start is charecter then do as following. Partial intervals are not counted. g. This means that YRS would have been 29 for any DOB in 1975 as well as for any second date in 2004. 47 months. I need to compute a field as a date difference from today, ex the number of days from the birth date. The INTNX function will compute an incremented date value, and allows the resultant interval alignment to be specified (in your case the 'end' of the month n-months hence) data have; format date_of_last_repricing end_date date9. Data Migration. Although there are other intervals available, the most commonly used intervals include 'day',. 24567: Calculate a person's age. . date1 = year (date): Extracts the year component from the variable date. 1. It does not count the number of complete intervals between two dates: The following example returns 0, because the two dates are within the same month. (also didn't bother to test if the INTCK date variables need to be at the 1st of the month to give the correct results) data have; length date_1 $18 date_2 $8; infile. Then if that evaluates to 'true' then add one day to the number that the INTCK function returns. Except for day multiples ('day. Posted 06-19-2016 02:35 PM (12054 views) Hi , I need to calculate age at graduation. current_year = year (date ());NOTE: Invalid argument to function DATDIF(19996,19774,'30/act') at line 92 column 19. If you simply need to know that there is 1 month difference between the 31-May and the 01-Jun, then use the 'discrete' (default) parameter. At 4pm the hourly clock stops. Difference between INTNX and INTCK functions. ); Example -. ; run; proc print data=b; run; You're using the today function. For instance, to my historical browse IODIN use the INTCK function at determine the count of days between dual dates. ) If you prefer to learn by watching (while listening. There are three parts to translating: INTNX ("MONTH", t1. ); start set: The initiate date; out target: The stop date; method: Count. I tried INTCK before with the following code, but it doesn't work for me (I get the same output). Appendixes. Date2: 06/03/2011. You can use the INTCK function in SAS to quickly calculate the difference between two dates in SAS. Method 2: Age= INTCK('year',dob,eventdate,"Continuous") Hi I was wondering if two methods above have the same function on calculating Age based on DOB. You can see the output in the attached pic. So you could just subtract the two variables and divide by 60 seconds/minute to convert the units from seconds to minutes. If "to" is before "from", the function returns a negative value. Sample. Dec 21, 2022 at 21:49. Example This program computes age using each of these methods (YRDIF, dividing by 365. in this case i need data from Jan 2019 to jun 2019, that is 6 months before run date specified above. You can easily test that to be certain that is the way it is functioning. SAS tem uma grande variedade de funções integradas que ajudam na análise e processamento dos dados. The month interval is specified in this implementation: INTCK('month',dob,eventdate) . Stock markets report opening and closing stock prices on trading days - generally equivalent to the "weekday" interval. When you use the INTCK function by default it is considered as a. The INTNX function returns the SAS date value for the beginning date, time, or datetime value of the interval that you specify in the start–from argument. DATA dataset; set dataset; months_exact = intck ('months'. The following example uses the DATEDIFF() function to compare the requested delivery date with the ship date in days and return if the order is on-time or late:. To find the difference in values of variable between observations just use the DIF () function (related to the LAG () function). For example, the INTCK () can be used to determine how many months to generate. e. . . Ah. Finding the first day of the previous month is an ideal situation for using the INTNX function. Note: The INTCK function returns the integer number of time intervals in a given time span. We can use the INTNX function to create a new column called firstmonth that contains the first day of the month for each date in the date column: /*create new dataset with column that contains first day of the month*/ data new_data; set original_data; firstmonth=intnx('month', date, 0); format. The SAS function, INTCK, serves as a way of determining a selected duration of time which has elapsed between two SAS variables. Example of Continuous INTCK Function: 10 %put %sysfunc(intck('month',1,2)); WARNING: An argument to the function INTCK referenced by the %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC macro function is out of range. Series #. . For example: Date1 = 01JAN2000 12:00. Datetime, time or date variables are just numeric values, with a format to show them as dates. For example, WEEK intervals are determined by the number ofThe INTNX (and its sister function for computing date differences, INTCK) are powerful tools for manipulating date and datetime values. SAS INTNX() is the function that needs parameters like Interval, start_date, and a number of intervals to be added for a specified date value. Besides the INTCK function, we. The following SAS program creates a temporary SAS data set called createdates that contains six date variables. What I have studied is that intnx function calculates the time interval b/w two date/time value but it also include that two date/time. Eles pegam as variáveis de dados como argumentos e retornam o resultado que é armazenado em outra variável. 2, a fifth argument to the INTCK function was added which will also help calculate a person's age. Since those values are in a style that the DATE informat can understand and already have quotes around them all you need to do is add the letter D after each to make them into something SAS will see as a date value. I believe this happens because the alignment option in the INTCK function defaults to DISCRETE, which counts interval boundaries in between two dates, rather than CONTINUOUS, which counts full intervals in between dates, shifted to the start date. This was not a stated requirement of the original problem. For example, you can use the INTNX functions to compute the scheduled that is 308 total in of future from. e. You cannot use the WHERE statement with the POINT= option in the SET and MODIFY statements. intck(‘month’,birth,somedate) returns the number of times the first day of a month is passed between birthand somedate. But as written earlier you should avoid using SAS functions for data base tables which SAS can't push to the data base for execution. The INTCK function counts the number of interval boundaries between two date values or between two datetime values. 04 -3 26 0. . This page lists all possible intervals. Once you convert the date, you can find the number of days between the two dates with the INTCK function, and then subset the table appropriately. . The INPUT Function is used to convert character variable to numeric. 2 Using Arrays in SAS® Programming Variables that are associated with an array have certain characteristics: All variables that are associated with an array must be of the same type, either character or numeric. left join to the master table for the months i need to check against. . SAS intck function return wrong. SAS Certification Part 12 INTCK & INTNX FunctionManage DataPerform calculations with date and datetime values and time intervals by using the functions INTC. In SAS 9. Now I want to create a new variable such that it is the first day of the corresponding month. INTCK() DOES care whether the data variable is is seconds, etc. Especially when trying to find newborns where age is less than 1. . Since by default this function always measures from the start of the interval, the resulting calculation would be the same as if the two dates were both first shifted to January 1. Im looking for a way in which I can derive the same results in Netezza if I had used the "intck" function in SAS. Would you be able to answer why this happen if you know of. 000 diff2=2,962. ) If you prefer to learn by watching (while listening. There is an enormous difference between days since 1/1/60, and seconds since midnight, 1/1/60. You need to specify dates, not datetimes. So, although 22JUN2020 and 20JUL2020 belong to different months, the number of completed months between these. 3. Hello, This code has worked for me in the past, but not today. In this example, the first statement converts the values of cc , a numeric variable, into the four-character hexadecimal format, and the second statement writes the same value that the PUT function returns. Tutorial : INTCK Function Explained 44. Therefore, the INTCK expression returns the number of month boundaries that areMost database store date values as Datetime, so first check how your date values from teradata are returned in SAS. Essas funções são usadas como parte das instruções DATA. 3 in decimal arithmetic. ; format TS datetime20. I need to do further task and I don;t know how to do it. For example, WEEK intervals are determined by the number of Sundays that begin between the from and the to, not by how many seven-day periods fall in between the from. Thus, if you are using it for hours, 9:59 to 10:00 would result in 1. to read the raw date values in. Thus, in this products you will find some. ”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The newly created variable new_x is in numeric format. 結果データセット「AGE2」. However, the numbers remain the same and as you can see, I'm still getting date values in the activity_date field that are more than 14 days after the send date (2/1). SAS® FedSQL Language Reference documentation. can be specified either as a variable name or as a SAS date constant. Then if it is datetime then you need to change your where clause to DATEPART (teradata_datetime)=&start. The time unit can be selected in years, months, weeks, days, or whatever you feel like. Computes the number of time units between two date (or datetime) values. SAS is headed back to Vegas for an AI and analytics experience like no other! Whether you're an executive, manager, end user or SAS partner, SAS Innovate is designed for everyone on your team. The first method "CONNECT TO TERADATA" is more efficient than the second method - LIBNAME statement as the first method hits the tables in teradata server and it would take less execution time. intnx subsets and then joins, while intck joins and then subsets, which is why intnx was faster than intck—thanks for this clarification. This example is copied from SAS documentation. Sample. 3. . 1 Answer. The default is “DISCRETE” but you can specify if you want to use the “CONTINUOUS” method. . You can add the 'SAME" option if you want it to move to the same relative point in the interval. AGE=INT((INTCK('MONTH',DOB,refDate) - (DAY(refDate)<DAY(DOB)))/12); I stopped using it when I discovered that the calculation would sometimes produce odd results. The function INTCK ('MONTH','31jan1991'd,'1feb1991’d) returns 1, because the two dates lie in different months that are one month apart. In binary arithmetic, 0. Example 3: Use INTNX to Find First Day of Month. You need to convert it as you did in the INTCK calculations or add the key word CALCULATED to use the newly converted variable. sas. Calculation of individual's age : The INTCK function is used to calculate the number of years between date of birth and today's date. Adj_form1=floor((intck(‘month’,dob,today)-(day(today)<day(dob)))/12); The FLOOR function in this formula will round down to the nearest whole number. Remove the extra run; statement that is ending the data step definition too soon. so I included that code also. In other words, it returns the date value for 30APR1796. The function INTCK ('MONTH', '31jan2013'd, '1feb2013’d) returns 1, because the two dates lie in different months that are one month apart. The INTCK function counts intervals from fixed interval beginnings, not in multiples of an interval unit from the from value. in your example, following will be the statement: data want; set testing_weekdays; wkdays=intck('WEEKDAY1W',date_1,dat2_2); run; You can use different formats for Weekday interval. Hi, I have two variables :rdq and datadate, I wanna calculate the days between two dates, I use the folllowing code: data f_f; set f_l2; days=intck('day', datadate, rdq); run; but the code not work all the days are '. ex. . sas. to an existing date variable, then you need the INTNX function. . More specifically, it cares whether the value is a datetime value or a date value. len_in_mths = intck(‘month’,start_dt,end_dt,’c’); INTCK PARAMETERS What do the parameters for intck in the above example mean. . The INTCK function returns the integer count of the number of intervals in years, months or days between two dates. date1 = day (date): Returns the day of month from the variable date. This functioning uses the following basic syntax: INTCK(interval, start dating, end data, method) where: interval: Interval the calculate (day, week, hour, quarter, year, etc. What's the best way. comThe INTCK function returns the number of intervals between two date values. It easy to play with the dates using INTNX. exclude public holidays and weekends. . One of the ones I am running into is the SAS SQL is using a condtional statement in a make. The function INTCK ('MONTH', '1feb2013'd, '31jan2013'd) returns –1 because the first date is in a later discrete interval than the second date. SAS provides date, time, and datetime intervals for counting different periods of elapsed time. ERROR: Unresolved reference to table/correlation name s_cases. You can use the INTCK function in SAS to quickly calculate the difference between two dates in SAS. Hello SAS Community, I am working on a SQL and SAS data. SAS 区间函数 INTNX 和 INTCK. Thus, at this article you will find few. You can use this function to calculate the number of days, weeks, months. Note: This is Example 6. When using INTNX () function the order should be from STARTDATE to ENDDATE. Thank you for quick respond. Interested in speaking?Example 22. Tenure of an employee with company : The INTCK function is used to find out the number of months between date of joining and today's date. 1. So putting macro code, ,especially macro definitions, in the middle of a data step is just going to confuse the humans trying to read the code. . You provide the start time, the end time, and the desired interval, and the INTCK function returns the difference in seconds, minutes, or hours. They are tricky to learn at first, but once you get the hang of them they can really. Probably functions requiring multiple variables from different data sets cause bottlenecks. (INTCK returns a negative value whenever the first date is later than the second date and the two dates are not in. Then print variables from that data set. This was just an example to help you understand what it means. PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE myTable AS SELECT BIRTH_DATE, <some function> AS DAYS_BETWEEN_BIRTHDATE_AND_TODAY FROM someTable. Using the INTNX and INTCK functions to determine the week number of each week in the month. data new_data; set original_data; new_value = round (value); run; . In this case, my preferred solution would involve using an R version of SAS' INTCK function to do dates arithmetic in a more sophisticated way than described in my original example. You can use sas function intck to find required interval. df["diff"] = np. data temp; input ID TS HR; informat TS datetime20. ) The following example shows how to determine the date of the start of the week. It rounds off to the complete year i. diff=intck("WEEKDAY", calc_start_date,end_date); run; The correct answer is 27 but l get 24. . More specifically, it cares whether the value is a datetime value or a date value. 33 rounded to the nearest tenth equals 3*0. 03 -4 20 0. Difference between SCAN and SUBSTR? SCAN extracts words within a value that is marked by delimiters. if end is charecter then do as following. Hence if the difference between Feb 1st and Mar 1st is 29, then the event occurred on a leap year, and imputes the missing day as 29th, otherwise, impute with 28th. SAS Tutorial For Beginners Date and Time Functions in SAS Date Functions with Use Case SAS Programming Tutorial For Beginners Functions in SAS INTCK Function. It can also be used to code more clearly (i. POLICY_EFCTV_DT. If you do specify datetimes you need to use DT in front of the interval specification, as your first one which is why it works. ” Ron’s book reminds us that the “INTCK function counts how many times you cross a boundary going from the start date to the end date. The INTCK () function allows last argument to be either C or D. (month) Parameter 2 is the start date. I am facing issues with calculation of the time diffference for time expressed in hhmm, the data is representwed in decimals and would like to see the data represented in time format. If the interval is year then the number of boundaries between 31Dec2020 and 01Jan2021 would be 1. For example, if you are using the INTCK function to count the months between two dates, regardless of the actual day of the month specified by the date in the beginning value, SAS treats it as the first of that month. Interval – can be in minutes, seconds, hours,weeks, days, months,quarter and year Start_date and end_date are between two dates which we will be finding interval; So we will be using EMP_DET Table in our example. デフォルトのDISCRETEメソッドを使用するINTCK関数は、1番目の日付と2番目の日付の間に次の間隔の開始点が含まれる回数を数えます。. I understand there still is a discrepancy with the yrdif function but unless there are no other options with intck to get a decimal the yrdif might be my only option. So. lastDaylastMonth=day (intnx ('month', current_date, -1, 'E')); INTNX Function in SAS to Calculate The Last Day of The Last Month. 2. SAS Code & Examples. You may have wanted to use the intnx () function instead, which returns a date (or datetime) from a date and an interval. When you use date and time intervals (for example, with the INTCK or INTNX functions), SAS bases its calculations on the calendar divisions that are present. sas. Thanks a lotThe SAS intck function computes the date and time intervals for the two different dates, while the INTCK function varies on the time units. (INTCK returns a negative value whenever the first date is later than the second date and the two dates are not in the same discrete interval. No problem. 25 methods, age is computed both as a decimal and an integer value. For example, WEEK intervals are counted by Sundays rather than seven-day multiples from the from argument. Thanks,INTCK() DOES care whether the data variable is is seconds, etc. Desired result is the SURV_MM and N_MONTH is what I ended up with INTCK function as coded below. calendar_days =intck (' dt day', date2, date1); calendar_days1 =intck ('day', date2, date1); week_days=intck. 1 About SAS Enterprise. 000 stop=23JUL2017:10:28:00. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. This behavior can be modified using the shift operators and alignment options shown later. The Basics; DBCS Compatibility; The Basics. The INTCK() function will never return a non-integer value, because there isThe increment is based on a starting date, time, or datetime value, and on the number of time intervals that you specify. 3. If you are performing a calculation such as age, or tenure, then be sure to use the 'continuous' parameter of intck(). . from. ; * use 12. Re: Nested SYSEVALF Errors in Macro. . The INTCK function counts the number of interval boundaries between two date values or between two datetime values. documentation. proc sql noprint; create table daystoOverdue_list as select distinct business_object_rk , DateDiff (DAY, value_dt, Today ()) as value_dt from case_DataTable_d as tbl where tbl. SAS tracks dates as the number of days since January 1st, 1960. However, it simply produces an error: options intervalds=(wdays=wrkdays); data wrkdays (keep=begin end); format begin end date9. Functioning as designed. For example, you can use the INTNX function till compute the date that remains 308 epoch in that future from a. ) You can use the INTCK function in SAS to quickly calculate the difference between two dates in SAS. 3, because 0. Extra note: the two variables are already in a numeric format, I do not know why SAS is asking for a numeric. time_Final; Diff = INTCK('second',Time_task_opened,Time_task_completed); set Mylib. (INTCK returns a negative value whenever the first date is later than the second date and the two dates are not in the same discrete interval. These two functions complement each other: INTCK computes the difference between two dates, while INTNX enables you to add time units to a date value. (INTCK returns a negative value whenever the first date is. I need to count 30 days after the flag = 1. The INTNX function returning ampere SAS date that is a specifications number of time units away from a specified date. 25. The INTNX function returning a SAS date that is a specified numeric of time units go from adenine stated date. Other programming languages offer complex code libraries to accomplish what these two functions can do as part of Base SAS. I am still not sure I understand what your looking to produce in the query. The following code illustrates the correct way to use intck and convert characters to numeric using an informat: data _NULL_; input Booked_from $ booked_to $; minutes=intck ('minutes',input (booked_from,time5. Modified 3 years, 2 months ago. SAS provides date, time, and datetime intervals for counting different periods of elapsed time. SAS INTNX ( ) function is one of the important date functions in SAS. Every single function in a %LET needs to be wrapped, including your INTCK () and MDY (). MAX_DATE ,MMD. proc sql; select * from tableATo the macro processor everything is text, so quote characters are just part of the text. . The ROUNDZ function returns a multiple of the rounding unit without trying to make the result match. I ask this because, for a company whose fiscal year ends in (say) october, then the quarter difference between Jan (end of fiscal Q1) and Feb (start of fiscal Q2) is 1. By example, in my previous article I utilised the INTCK function to determine the number of. Cloud Computing. Person Day 1 Release Date Sales Person Day 2 Release Date Sales. 1, and not 0. ; informat date_of_last_repricing end_date date9. (INTCK returns a negative value whenever the first date is. com1 Answer. days=end - start + 1 ; Share. B) Using DATEDIFF() function with table column example. There is no interval named DAYS. I could program this out, but I am guessing there is probably a format or function I'm not aware of to accomplish the task. 1 Paper 261-30 Manipulating Data with PROC SQL Kirk Paul Lafler, Software Intelligence Corporation ABSTRACT PROC SQL isa popular database language with numerous extensionsfor working with numeric and character dataI need to calculate the difference between two dates in months. SAS : INTCK Function with Examples - Example 11: Loop through Dates Using a Macro. It is worth to note that INTCK gives the time intervals passed between two dates as per the calendar. The YRDIF function can compute a person’s age. Data set example: Subject_ID Date Obs 10 01/02/21 1 10 01/. The SUBSTR function returns a portion of an expression that you specify in string. There is an enormous difference between days since 1/1/60, and seconds since midnight, 1/1/60. The increment is based on a starting date, time, or datetime value, and on the number of time intervals that you specify. The SAS INTCK Function: Examples. ;intck most certainly can deal with variables -- in fact it deals with any expression that evaluates (implicitly or explicitly) to a number. Apart from this difference, there is a minor difference in the syntax. SAS® 9. INTCK function returns the integer count of the number of interval boundaries between two dates, two times, or two datetime values. ) The following example shows how to determine the date of the start of the week. diff_months_cont = intck ('month', mydate1, mydate2, 'C'); run; If you set the method argument equal to ‘C’ when you calculate the difference in months, SAS calculates the number of complete months between two dates. Example 3: Using Custom Intervals with the INTCK Function. date1 = qtr (date): Extracts the quarter component from the. One thing that the INTCK() function will not do is return a non-integer value, because there is no such thing as a partial interval boundary. The following code should work: AGE = INTCK ('YEAR',DOB,TODAY (),'C'); See here for. SUBSTR extracts a portion of the value by stating. Then the number of calendar months crossed (produced by INTCK) will equal the number of user-specified months. (c -continuous) INTCK METHOD Methods used are:The YEAR function produces a four-digit numeric value that represents the year. Find resources and documentation for new and previous releases of SAS technology. The age computation takes into account leap years. The statement. . There is no need to use INTCK () when the interval you want is the basic storage unit of the data. of 1 run, 1 loop each) Intnx: Return the date (either the beginning or end of the month) after incrementing by given number of monthsAnalytics. So you you need to reference the parameter value as &START_DATE, etc. notedate :$11. Or target location of 'B'. I. e. . . )); hours=intck ('hours',input (booked_from,time5. When using subtraction the order should be ENDDATE - STARTDATE. The INTNX function helps you compute the date that is 308 days away in the future from a specific date. Working with User-Defined Formats. The INTCK function counts the number of interval boundaries between two dates or between two datetime values. Example This program computes age using each of these methods (YRDIF, dividing by 365. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 2 months ago. For example: An application is submitted at 1pm on 2nd Jan 2014, and now it is 10am 3rd Jan, then SLA is 4 hours (1pm to 4pm on 2nd Jan, and then 9am to 10 am on 3rd Jan) Another application is submitted at 5pm. seconds = datetime2 - datetime1 ; mintues = (datetime2 - datetime1)/60 ; You can also use the. sql. 3. ) En utilisant la méthode discrète, les intervalles WEEK sont déterminés par le nombre de dimanches, le premier jour par défaut de la semaine, se produisant entre la. For example, the following statements give dates relative to the bombing of Pearl. The syntax of INTCK function is as follows: INTCK (interval, start date, end data, method) interval: Interval to calculate (day, week, month, quarter, year etc. is a character constant or variable that contains an interval name. format. The INTCK function counts the number of interval boundaries between two date values or between two datetime values. 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes) In this case, if I used INTCK I would need to keep the units in either days or hours, but I can't get. In future posts, we will explore building efficient data and analytics pipelines involving both technologies. 1. len_in_mths = intck(‘month’,start_dt,end_dt,’c’); INTCK PARAMETERS What do the parameters for intck in the above example mean. The input variables required for INTCK are date time, time or date. In the second example, INTCK returns a value of 1 even though only one day has elapsed. There are some missing values in there too. . Make your decision as to what you need to do! Also, here are some additional resources that may be helpful if you want to truly understand what is going on underneath the hood. ) start date: The start date; end date: The end date The function INTCK ('MONTH', '1feb2021'd, '31jan2021'd) returns –1 because the first date is in a later discrete interval than the second date. You can use the INTCK function in SAS to quickly calculate the difference between two dates in SAS. nmonths=intck('month',date1-1,date2-1); Just subtract 1 day less than the month starting day from both dates. I need to calculate age of the child from the two variables- Date of the birth of the child and the date of the last visit of the child to the clinic. Total_days = intck ('dtday',begin_date,end_date); may be what you are looking for. 000 diff1=2,962. INTCK and dates with DEC 31. The. I was using INTCK to do this. But I want to do this for the whole dataset without having to.